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작성자케이피유어스 작성일 19-04-02 10:32 조회 2,417회

01.2018 - With the "Trails of Light" photographic series, Guy Havell shows that slow photography is a loose concept, as he worked with exceptionally long exposure and his ALPA 12 STC camera. The most extreme example is his image "Starlights of Arcadia" with an exposure time of ten hours.

Starlights of Arcadia, © Guy Havell

"I recently took a 1600km round road trip to shoot a couple of extremely long night exposures in the middle of nowhere and as no digital camera is even remotely capable in this regard my film cameras were the preferred choice on this occasion", Guy says. „Conditions were perfect with relatively clear skies and no moon. So I wanted to push the limits to create something special and unique bey keeping the shutter open almost the entire night while at the same time gather more valuable info on film exposure characteristics for the future projects I have in mind.“

Guy says, that there are a lot of variables in exposing film for 10 straight hours and that with virtually no info on the internet as a guide, the process was one of trial and error. „I have had success and failures in the past. This pure form of photography is important to me and far removed from the typical star stacked or multiple image composite commonly seen in landscape photography these days. I personally have no interest in computer created composites and this photography project is about capturing an extraordinary moment and keeping it real, and for me that moment will always be with just one shot regardless of exposure time.“

The other pictures of the series were taken with an exposure time between 30 Minutes and 7.5 hours. The whole portfolio can be seen here.


Portfolio Trails of Light
Photographers page Guy Havell


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